World Day Against Child Labour


World Day Against Child Labour

World Day Against Child Labour

Cartoon by Ruth Hebler, Germany, (FB - Web)

On 12 June 2021, the World Day Against Child Labour will be "celebrated" once again. In addition, the year 2021 has been declared by the United Nations as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, with the aim of increasing action to end this form of forced labour that violates the rights of children, therefore Cartoons for Change calls on cartoonists around the world to use their work as a form of protest.

Vignettes can be posted on Twitter under the hashtag #WorldDayAgainstChildLabour or send them to

If you have any questions, you can also contact the founder of Cartoons for Change, Fernando Morales-de la Cruz, through his Twitter account or via the website.


Fernando Morales-de la Cruz, founder of 'Cartoons for Change': "We want to make the world aware of the seriousness of child labour"

More information in this article of the 2020 call/exhibition.

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