World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons


World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons

First prize. Jean-Loïc Belhomme (France).

A jury composed of members of World Press Freedom Canada has awarded the prizes for the 21st edition of the World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition. This year, 406 entries from authors in 59 countries were submitted.

The competition was created more than two decades ago by Spencer Moore, retired journalist and former president of the National Press Club of Canada, to honour journalists on World Press Freedom Day.

Among the cartoons awarded this year were those by colleague Malagón and French illustrator Anne Derenne, who has lived in Spain since 2009. This year's theme was "Censorship, shaming and disinformation on social media".

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons

These are the winning cartoons, here you can find them in better quality.

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 1

Second prize. Edwin Perales González (Peru).

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 2

Third prize.  Tom Janssen (Netherlands)

Awards of excellence

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 3

Anne Derenne, Adene (Spain).

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 4

Arístides Esteban Hernández Guerrero , Ares (Cuba).

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 5

Dalcio Machado (Brazil).

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 6

Gatis Sluka, Latvia

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 7

José Rubio Malagón (Spain).

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 8

Mahshid Hashemi (Iran)

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 9

Oguz Demir (Turkey)

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 10

Dale Cummings (Canada)

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 11

Abdellah Derkaoui, Morocco

World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, prize-winning cartoons 12

Tommy Thomdean (Indonesia)

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