About dogs and cats

Publicado: 23/09/2024 : 11:52 | Actualizado: 23/09/2024 : 12:26 |

Trump on cats and dogs

About dogs and cats. Cartoon of 15/09/2024 in CTXT

"In Springfield (immigrants) are eating the dogs, the people who came, they're eating the cats, they're eating the pets of the people who live there, and this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame."

This bullshit was spouted by Trump in the debate with Harris and is based on a hoax that went viral on the internet. It was also shared on X (Twitter) by his vice-presidential candidate James David Vance, who pointed out that Haitian migrants who have recently settled in Springfield, Ohio, have been eating their neighbours' pets.

The parodies, songs, memes and jokes with cats and dogs far outweighed any serious and profound debate on racism built on hoaxes to create the familiar enemy in bulk (you know, one of the principles of Goebbels' Nazi propaganda. That of simplification and the single enemy) in order to brand them as criminals because of their race, origin or skin colour. Nothing new, it is something that Abascal and his gang of samugos have not stopped doing here since the birth of their grouping.

Vance continued to maintain the lie despite assurances from Springfield Mayor Rob Rue that there was no "verifiable" information to substantiate the claims and even Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, openly denying the hoax.

According to the City of Springfield's website, Clark County is home to between 12,000 and 15,000 immigrants and Haitians living there legally under a foster care programme that allows citizens and legal residents to apply for their relatives from Haiti to settle in the United States.

J.D. Vance ended up confessing on CNN that he had "created" the story of Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield.

"If I have to create narratives so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do," Vance said.(Source)

And this is how hatred is nurtured and violent people are whipped up. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that Trump has done such a thing to the delight of the KKK.

There you have a pamphlet distributed by the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Springfield, taking advantage of the dust of the hoax to call for massive deportations of"foreigners and Haitians", arguing that while a quarter of Springfield's population is poor, "2 million dollars are being used for these 'beasts of the camps'". All this with a Nazi-style layout and typography that VOX would sign here without batting an eyelid.

About dogs and cats 1

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