Bovine Tuberculosis. Cartoon of 10/06/2023 in CTXT
Juan García Palurdo, vice-president of the Junta de Castilla y León, compared his plan to relax controls on bovine tuberculosis to the fight against slavery and embellished his paleoism with an inexplicable flourish by assuring that he "does not bow down to anyone's climate dogmas".
Displaying the typical dangerous redneckism of the denialists, he added that "If the status quo had not been challenged at the time, slavery would be legal right now".
And you are probably wondering what the hell does slavery have to do with bovine tuberculosis?
Absolutely nothing, but for these people that is the least of it because their discourse is more than studied and they know that their parish will continue to ruminate on the nonsense and lies. In VoX they always sell their stupidity against all logic or rational behaviour as a revolutionary and anti-establishment stance.
From Brussels they warn that the relaxation of bovine tuberculosis controls in Castilla y León is against EU rules, but this bunch of mendrugos don't give a damn about that and continue to make fools of themselves, even in the European Parliament.
This is the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) definition of the disease:
Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic bacterial disease of animals caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, mainly M. bovis, but also M. caprae and, to a lesser extent, M. tuberculosis. It is an important infectious disease of cattle that also affects other domesticated animals and certain wildlife populations, resulting in general disease, pneumonia, weight loss and eventually death.
Transmission and spread
The disease is contagious and is transmitted directly by contact with infected domestic or wild animals or indirectly by ingestion of contaminated feed.
The usual route of infection in cattle herds is by inhalation of infected droplets coughed up by a sick animal. Calves can become infected by ingesting colostrum or milk from infected cows.
Humans can become infected by ingesting raw milk from infected cows or through contact with infected tissues in slaughterhouses or butchers.
The disease is slow-moving and it can take months or even years for the infected animal to die. Consequently, a single infected animal can spread the bacteria within the herd before showing clinical signs. Therefore, the movement of infected domestic animals is one of the main ways in which the disease spreads.