Evolution of the Housing Plan

Evolution of the Housing Plan

Evolution of the Housing Plan. Cartoon of Sunday 16/01/2022 in CTXT.

According to it reads the new Housing Plan 2022-2025, which is supposed to be approved today in the Council of Ministers, will revolve around rental subsidies and" housing solutions" (we will come back to this Frankenstein term later) for vulnerable groups and what they call a "novelty"; "cohousing".

Anything but regulating the price of rents. José Luis Ábalos, the former Minister of Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, has already made it clear that "housing is a market assets". And that's all there is to it.

Evolution of the Housing Plan 1

Good for the market. Cartoon of 28/02/2021 in CTXT

This "cohousing" rubbish is another one neopalabro to add to the bulging neoliberaloid encyclopaedia of the postmodernisms of the art of the gilipolling that disguises the poverty as a trend.

Evolution of the Housing Plan 2

First of all, although it may seem unnecessary to repeat a truism, in reality it is important and necessary. The "cohousing" is like that of the realquilados of all the life, of those embedded in shared flats for lack of money to be able to rent (to buy we don't even talk about it) and if I dare, even of those who have to share a "warm bed"

But, of course, to sell this shit they resort to etymological cosmetics and make it up as a boost to shared housing for the"intergenerational coexistence" of groups such as the elderly who prefer this formula to the traditional geriatric residences or others such as seasonal workers in the agricultural campaigns.

What about the rest of the profiles that are legion? We already know what will happen to these spaces of shared joy. They will end up being macro-farms of the poor, premises chopped up by the vultures to the limit in order to squeeze and speculate with those who receive aid, incubators of one-bed capsules and any kind of sub-housing you can imagine shit of substandard housing you can imagine.

Evolution of the Housing Plan 3

In 2006, from V for Housing we were told that we were not going to have a house in our own fucking life while we were claiming on the street for one decent housing in which they were the biggest mobilisations because of the housing problem in Spain. Those were times when being a mileurista was a very fucked-up life, you see. Who would have caught them!

At the time, real estate speculation the country was still dotted with large skeletons of foundations.

That same year came the announcement of the "mini-flats" by María Antonia Trujillo, then housing minister in Zapatero's government. Her housing plan included the proposed construction of protected flats of less than 30 metres, which were described as unworthy, even by people in her own party

Nor was it a novelty at the time; to this day there is no known minister who has "hurt" the real estate vulture sector, where many end up profiting from the traditional practice of extreme speculation, and Trujillo was no exception.

"Housing solutions"

The PSOE's 2005-2008 Housing Plan promised the creation of 180,000 homes, but the minister had to backtrack a few days after announcing it and went on to say that it would be 180,000 "housing solutions".

This term is one of the best examples of institutional cynicism. At first you read "solutions", but then you find that "housing solutions" which confirms that you are going to end up living badly in any square that not even a cockroach would call a house.

The thing remained at 10,000 pairs of slippers that were handed out to promote the bullshit of a chachi-piruli website called "Kelifinder.com"which was online from March 2006 to October 2007 and which has gone down in history as a cruel joke that has survived the test of time.

Evolution of the Housing Plan 4

You know what came next. More misery and more evictions, which to this day are still practised under the explicit name of "eviction".

Evolution of the Housing Plan 5

Desevictions. Cartoon of 19/06/2021 in CTXT

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