Infographics, humor in trouble


Infographics, humor in trouble

Infographics, humour threatened

The data for this infographic is drawn from an analysis of 165 cases of cartoonists who have been in trouble of some significance between 1978 and 2020 because of their cartoons or satirical illustrations. There are also some cases of other people who, without being cartoonists, have got into trouble for sharing them (*).

Things that don't change

The causes of problems with cartoons continue to appear by touching on the same issues as always, with power and all its machinery at the top of the list.

In first place the state with its symbols and rulers, closely followed by all matters related to politics. There is no shortage of religions with that monstrosity of the crime of offence to religious feelings at the top, the police and the army, the eternal accusations of anti-Semitism and all those issues related to sex, sexuality and machismo, as well as the usual problems with accusations of racism, xenophobia, etc. which have increased considerably in recent years.

which can be consulted in these links:

Humour in trouble (I). Cases from 1978 to 2016

Humour in trouble (II). Cases from 2017 to 2019

Humour in trouble (III). Cases from 2020

(*) In cases where several issues or causes of the problem are shared, the one with the most weight is chosen, either because it is the main or the most serious accusation.

(*) The category of offences against national symbols includes some cases related to certain traditions.

(*) The categories are not always accusations, in some cases it is only the subject matter touched upon by the cartoonist.

(*) The category "political" includes many cases of accusations of offences against honour.

Infographics, humor in trouble 0Humour in trouble, a collection of cases (III)
Cases of cartoonists who have had problems of some importance because of their cartoons or satirical illustrations. There are also some stories of other people who, without being cartoonists, have got into trouble for sharing them.

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