Symbols versus education

Symbols versus education

Symbols versus education

Cartoon of 29/05/2021 in CTXT

The City Council of Murcia has approved, with the votes in favour of PP and Cs and the opposition of PSOE and Podemos-Equo, the motion of Vox to plant the national flag in public schools and to have a portrait of Felipito uve palito in every classroom.

In addition, the Spanish anthem will be played at solemn ceremonies. In principle they asked for it to be played every morning at the children's entrance, military camp style.

This first phase of the re-edition of their particular version of the The flowery pensil we already know what it will lead to. Sooner or later there will be demands to put the national txunda txunda on more occasions.

Then there will be demands to show respect for the patriotic musical moment because, of course, the sacrosanct character and cazurro that the rightists always imprint on national symbols demands explicit reverence as a demonstration of good Spanishness. The inevitable breast-beating, squaring up and saluting, looking passionately towards the rag, or swearing the oath of allegiance could be core subjects.

This is the national nothingness in the ideology of the Spaniards, children must eat symbolism from an early age. Anthem, flag and photo of a fraudster's son as food for the soul.

Meanwhile, in that other reality to which these flag-wavers are oblivious, Cáritas Murcia has had to make a urgent appeal because there is a shortage of milk, hygiene products and other foodstuffs to attend to more than 2000 families, many of them with small children, and they are out of stock.

They don't give a damn about the high school failure and dropout rates as long as the children are good Spaniards, as God commands.

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