Scholarships for the rich

Scholarships for the rich

Scholarships for the rich. Cartoon of 10/07/2022 in CTXT Enrique Ossorio, vice-president and education minister of the Community of Madrid, considers that a couple earning 143,000 euros is "middle class" and that "these families are going to find it difficult to make ends meet" with the crisis. This is what he said in

Symbols versus education

Symbols versus education

Symbols versus education Cartoon of 29/05/2021 in CTXT The City Council of Murcia has approved, with the votes in favour of PP and Cs and the opposition of PSOE and Podemos-Equo, the motion of Vox to plant the national flag in public schools and to have a portrait of Felipito uve palito in

Back to school

Back to school

Back to school. Cartoon of 22 August 2020 in CTXT Classes for the next school year officially start between the 4th and 10th September and on the 15th for ESO and Bachillerato, depending on the community. There are barely 10 days left before the possible return to classes without knowing if they will

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