Winter is coming

Winter is coming

Winter is coming. Energy crisis. Cartoon of 17/09/2022 in CTXT "The truth must be told: Europe is facing an energy crisis of existential dimensions. A shock plan is needed to alleviate energy poverty and the high cost of food and mortgages". With the sweet slumber

The discarding of Iberdrola's cartoon

El descarte del lenguas de Iberdrola

TR: "Remember that even if I don't say it today I still think you are assholes". This is one of the cartoons I discarded on Saturday for being weak and/or conceptually thick. The rest of the ideas didn't go beyond a sketch. In the end

This is an advertisement, everybody down!

This is an advertisement, everybody down!

Translation cartoon: "It's amazing, they're not scared anymore". Cartoon of 18/12/2021 in CTXT who needs honesty when you have a budget for advertising? This is the maxim of this bunch of thieves, who have been spending large amounts of money for weeks on adverts like

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. Cartoon of 25/12/2021 in CTXT The price of electricity is fourteen times higher than on Christmas Day last year. On 25 December 2020 it cost 16 euros, on the same day in 2021 it reached 226.24 euros on the wholesale market. And that

The great blackout

The great blackout

The big blackout. Cartoon of 06/11/2021 in CTXT Since the news about the Austrian prognosis of Austria of a European blackout lasting several days, the media have not stopped talking about it. This time, instead of the usual review of the scary headlines, I'll just