Latest news from Nurai Island

Latest news from Nurai Island

Latest news from Nurai Island In December 2020, Pedro Sánchez announced a "roadmap" for the renewal of the monarchy, he said it without laughing. According to Pedro, author of the farce of "exile"According to Pedro, from Juanca, Felipito number six was going to start doing

The Atlas Borbón

The Atlas Borbón

The Atlas Borbón Cartoon of 27/06/2021 in CTXT. Delay a little in the payment of this month's self-employed or your workers' social security contributions. You'll see how quickly the administration will be on the move to slice you a 10% surcharge for the first month

Royal pleitry

Royal pleitry

"Entrepreneurs pay interest to ensure dynastic succession of their credit line". Royal pleitry Cartoon of 27/02/2020 in CTXT Juanca got 4,395,901.96 euros to release to the Treasury after rummaging through the sofa cushions for change Some colleagues the two of them made a chance meeting