Reform of the gag law (Spain)

Reform of the gag law (Spain)

Reform of the gag law. Cartoon of 04/12/2021 in CTXT The Interior Ministry of the most progressive government in world history has spent some two million euros on 25,539 extendable steel batons. The Mossos (Catalan autonomic police force) have them since 2016 and the Guardia

The labour market is a dunghill

The labour market is a dunghill

Cartoon of 16/06/2019 in CTXT The labour market is a dump. It's not new, but the new approaches, which are nothing more than the same old exploitation, coated with a layer of post-modern and old-fashioned false entrepreneurship, have made it even dirtier. Yes, it can



Commission Cartoon of 05/09/2021 in CTXT. The Prosecutor's Office of the Supreme Court points to indications of four crimes against the king emeritus and maintains that Juan Carlos I was international commissioner The Supreme Court's deputy prosecutor sees "indications" that the King's fortune of the

Latest news from Nurai Island

Latest news from Nurai Island

Latest news from Nurai Island In December 2020, Pedro Sánchez announced a "roadmap" for the renewal of the monarchy, he said it without laughing. According to Pedro, author of the farce of "exile"According to Pedro, from Juanca, Felipito number six was going to start doing

Deliveroo considers leaving Spain

Deliveroo considers leaving Spain

As they say around here, let's get it out of the way. They are already late, and after this one, every company with the same slavery philosophy should be paraded. Deliveroo has sent this note to its customers. It reads that they are going to