United Nations of the USA

United Nations of the USA

United Nations of the USA. Cartoon of 20/04/2024 in CTXT

TR: "Genocide is approved by the yankee majority".

The US vetoed Palestine's entry into full UN membership at the proposal of Algeria on behalf of the UN Arab Group.

The proposal was voted in favour by 12 countries, with 2 abstentions (UK and Switzerland) and the US voting against.

They do not have to worry about defending civilians and the aggressors can continue their ethnic cleansing through targeted assassinations with a view to final and complete occupation.

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At the same time, the US approved financial aid packages for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, totalling $95 billion for armaments, of which Israel will receive $26 billion to continue its genocide.

But, yes, of the Israeli allocation, 9.1 billion dollars are for humanitarian aid for the Palestinians. For every seven bombs, three pieces of bread, because the genocidaires also have their little hearts.

As it is, Israel is preparing to raze Rafah while the shame meter keeps getting fatter.

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