Interview (2015) - Juarma López: "I don't like cartoonists who are kind to the reader"

Interview (2015) - Juarma López: "I don't like cartoonists who are kind to the reader"

Interview by Raquel García / Caricature: Fran Cornejo. Published on 28/09/2015 in the now defunct MLPZ magazine of Juarma López fran Cornejo is an "atypical" cartoonist from a small town in Granada, Deifontes. He does not hide who he is, nor his origins. He works as a hotelier, olive picker, grape harvester

Interview (2015) - Lumpen: "I don't think it's easier for a cartoonist nowadays"

Interview (2015) - Lumpen: "I don't think it's easier for a cartoonist nowadays"

Interview by Raquel Garcia / Caricature: Fran Cornejo. Published on 27/07/2015 in the now defunct MLPZ magazine of Antonio, "Lumpen", is a cartoonist from Seville who doesn't look for the "easy laugh" but to create a reaction in the reader. He defines himself as the last lame step, but he has a

Interview - Arcadio Esquivel, "I don't like unfair competition"

Interview - Arcadio Esquivel, "I don't like unfair competition"

Interview, Arcadio Esquivel Interview by Raquel García / Caricature: Fran Cornejo /published on 05/08/2015 in nº 2 of the magazine MLPZ of the now defunct website Arcadio Esquivel Mayorga was born in Alajuela, Costa Rica, on 10 January 1959. He is a professor of Caricature Studies at the University of Costa Rica.

Interview (2015) - Ximo Segarra, Acapu: "for me creativity is a form of resistance"

Interview (2015) - Ximo Segarra, Acapu: "for me creativity is a form of resistance"

Interview by Raquel García / Cartoon Fran Cornejo / published on 11 /12/2015 in the nº 5 of the defunct magazine MLPZ by Joaquín Segarra Pérez is an artist in the full sense of the word. But he is also a tireless creator and a born fighter. He has been painting and

Interview (2016) - Nadím: "I have to admit that I am self-censoring when it comes to religious and football issues"

Interview (2016) - Nadím: "I have to admit that I am self-censoring when it comes to religious and football issues"

Nadím as seen by Fran Cornejo JRMora's 2016 interview for the now defunct MLPZ magazine of Nadím is a Colombian cartoonist born in Barranquilla (Colombia) in October 1976. He studied advertising at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá. As an illustrator and publicist he has worked with important publishing houses and

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