Genocides. Cartoon of 30/12/2023 in CTXT
TR: "In South Africa they say we are genocidal".
"Another nest of terrorists and anti-Semites, give me the coordinates of that neighbourhood".
South Africa has initiated proceedings against Israel and is asking the ICJ (International Court of Justice) to order provisional measures. South Africa accuses Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and has requested that it order Israel to stop its attacks.
According to the complaint,"Israel's acts and omissions (...) are genocidal in character, being committed with the requisite specific intent (...) to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza as part of the wider Palestinian national, racial and ethnic group" and that "Israel's conduct - through its state organs, state agents and other persons and entities acting on its behalf - is genocidal" (...) that "Israel's conduct - through its state organs, state agents and other persons and entities acting on its behalf - is genocidal" (...) acting in accordance with its own specific intent (...)...) acting on its instructions or under its direction, control or influence - in relation to the Palestinians in Gaza, violates its obligations under the Genocide Convention".
The terrorist and criminal state of Israel has already answered what was predictable, that they are doing genocide right, that their soldiers kill according to the rules of good killing.
Israel does not limit itself to extermination, moreover, since at least the beginning of December, if not before, it has been setting up concentration camps where minors and old people are locked up. Moreover, images like these are becoming a "daily occurrence".
And here is the latest Euro-Med (Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor) update on the shameful figures. The number of people killed now exceeds 30,000, of which almost 12,000 are children.