Iberdrola's apologies

Iberdrola's apologies

Iberdrola's apologies. Cartoon of 07/05/2022 in CTXT

This fool, a subhuman replica of Gargamel, is José Ignacio Sánchez Galán, president of Iberdrola. On 5 May in Sagunto, during the presentation of a Volkswagen battery gigafactory project, he called consumers on the regulated tariffs "fools".

YouTube video
Ignacio Galán and Herbet Diess. Two very clever fools

Next to him, laughing at him, there is another pearl, Herbert Diess, chairman of the board of directors of the Group Volkswagen and indicted for the "Dieselgate".

One day later, on the Twitter account of the crooks the day after, what the media call an "apology" is published on the company's Twitter account. The text is a cut-and-paste of the typical template of anyone who knows they have screwed up and is forced to say something that looks like an apology, but without admitting shit and without any intention of making amends for their mistake

What's more, he ratifies himself. He still thinks these people are fools, idiots and assholes and will piss on them every time he feels comfortable in a conversation.

Iberdrola's apologies 1

TR: "Ignacio Galán, CEO of Iberdrola, would like to sincerely apologise if anyone has felt offended by some phrases expressed in a colloquial manner, which were not intended to hurt anyone, and expresses his utmost respect for all consumers".

Anyone with a minimum of reading comprehension who analyses this text will immediately notice that these are words that are more than rehearsed and false because we have read and heard them many times. A rubbish apology from a rubbish person.

First of all, he blames those he spits at for an alleged discomfort - "in case anyone was offended" - in order to turn his insults into a problem of sensitivity of those cited as "fools". No, friend tongues. That's not admitting or righting a wrong, it's reaffirming and slipping in that he didn't mean what he said while confessing that he said it and thinks it. Pure and simple cynicism.

To close this treatise of hypocrisy that they call an apology, they justify and ratify their words by claiming that they expressed themselves "in a colloquial way" and end by expressing "their utmost respect for all consumers" when they suspect that a few cents of the big bucks they put in their pockets every month thanks to them, their only interest and concern, could be in danger.

Any halfway decent company would have already sent this wretch to the dole and any good consumer would have already unsubscribed from their services and/or convinced a couple of colleagues or family members to do the same.

None of that will happen and these guys will continue to behave like what they are, sociopathic creeps, because they know they can and that their outrages will go unpunished.

So the only thing left for us to do is to shit on them and the company that gave birth to them twenty times. But always in a colloquial way, with the utmost respect and with no intention of hurting anyone.

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