Qatar 2022

Publicado: 10/11/2022 : 00:49 | Actualizado: 19/06/2023 : 04:15 |

Qatar 2022

Qatar 2022, cartoon of 06/11/2022 in CTXT

You can go to the most remote village in Africa, the smallest neighbourhood in Asia or the most isolated island in the world and ask about Barça or Real Madrid and they'll tell you about their goals, their line-up and how they're doing in the Champions League. And the same goes for other teams and/or players from other countries out there.

What's more, don't be surprised if you find fellow countrymen from those places wearing the jerseys of your favourite football gladiators.

It is the only sport, not for nothing is it called "king", that produces that effect resulting from the ingestion of a mixture of soma and speed. The only one that floods everything, from political discourse to lift conversations, albeit always behind the times, and that is capable of feeding the supposedly best and the worst feelings.

All the dough that moves the game in question, much of it dirty, is for many more than enough reason to forgive him anything.

In ten days' time, the 2022 World Cup will kick off in Qatar (aka "the World Cup"), and we will be cheering excitedly as the footballers run across the grass of mega-mottos that were built or refurbished through exploitation, abuse and death.

In February 2021 the Guardian revealed that some 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died in Qatar since the World Cup was awarded in December 2010, although they also warn that this shameful figure is most likely an underestimate.

Amnesty International verified numerous death certificates for migrant workers in their 30s and 40s. All simply attribute the cause of death to "natural causes" or "heart failure" without further specification.

Those who survived had to continue to endure temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius. Endless working days with hardly any rest days or the necessary safety measures. Threats of expulsion from the country if conditions were not accepted. Real impossibility of changing companies. Advances in legislation that were not complied with and unhealthy housing conditions.

The Qatar 2022 organisers acknowledged only three deaths on the World Cup construction site and accused the media of who knows what. Between 3 and 6,500 there is someone who is lying through their teeth.

In addition, he asked LGTBIQ+ staff not to express "public displays of affection" because it would be crossing a line and homosexuality in the UAE is somewhere between a little bit frowned upon (؟) and banned, but in a gesture of goodwill and twinning with other cultures it was announced that the orientation of all attendees will be respected, according to Nasser Al-Khater, chairman of the 2022 World Cup organising committee.

No one knows what exactly this recommendation, which looks like a warning and is dressed as a threat, will mean in practical terms.

Whatever, we'll swallow all this and whatever it takes because, fuck it, it's the World Cup. The Olympus of football.

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