Afghanistan war in brief

Afghanistan war in brief

Two decades have passed since this image, a this one. The Afghanistan war in brief Sunday cartoon. 22 August 2021 in CTXT Summer is ending and everyone will take the re-entry into the not always desirable routine as they can or as they are allowed

Assault on US Capitol

Assault on US Capitol

Assault on US Capitol What can I tell you that you don't already know or have seen, Three Kings Day left us with a lot of images of far-right geeks storming the Capitol after they were given free entry, kicking cameras and walking around other

Trump on the election result

Trump on the election result

Trump, faced with the election result Cartoon of 07/11/2020 in CTXT STOP THE COUNT! shouted the orange redneck, knowing that Joe Yayo was already eating his toast. Just a few hours before it was known for sure that he had won the election, he left

"You have the right to remain silent"

"You have the right to remain silent"

This cartoon by Chris Britt published on 31 August in the local Schenectady (New York) newspaper The Daily Gazette of Schenectady (New York), shows a police officer pointing and shooting a black person in the back while saying: "You have the right to remain silent".

Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager of his time

Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager of his time

Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager who sleeps in his cap, wanders around looking for the brain he never had. Cartoon from 08/29/2020 in CTXT "As a well ordered militia is necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and