Madrid City Council exhibits plagiarised cartoons


On the left the plagiarism perpetrated by Sánchez, on the right the original work by Molina (sent by the author).

Madrid City Council announced the temporary exhibition of vignettes"Environment and Global Climate Change".

Well, to begin with, the cartoon illustrating the poster and the leaflet is a crude, blatant and more than obvious plagiarism of a work by Nicaraguan colleague Pedro Molina, but it is not the only one. They are all plagiarised. The colleague has removed their signatures and has given them a crappy colouring.

You don't need expert evidence to prove it, you can revel in the botched job.

This exhibition does not have a pass. For plagiarism to exist, the plagiarist must claim authorship, which is exactly what the exhibiting "artist" does.

You'd have to be very clumsy and/or very stupid to think that no one would notice the massive plagiarism, but the organisers are no slouches either because they haven't even done the simplest of checks.

The "author" of the plagiarism is a certain Miguel Ángel Sánchez Sánchez and according to the dossier(local copy), the exhibition is presented"through original (sic) and amusingillustrations by its author", who assures that it is:"an exhibition he has been working on for nearly 3 years, dedicating around 3 days to each painting".

It would be funny if it weren't so embarrassing.

Pedro Molina put me on the trail of this plagiarism, which he came across through a tweet from the illustrator and cartoonist Anne Derenne (Adene).

Molina also suspects that there are more cartoons by other authors from different countries that have been plagiarised and considers it important to denounce this outrage, especially because it is an official institution, from which he now expects an explanation.

Adene is clear that they are all plagiarism, and as I am also sure that this is the case, I leave here the 33 pages of vignettes in case you want to play at hunting them down and give credit to their legitimate authors.

And so as not to overdo it, I begin with a plagiarism that makes the universe of plagiarism collapse. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Sánchez plagiarised...NIK! I didn't expect this. There you have it, with Gaturro included XD.

Update 09/05 -10:00

The exhibition is now listed as suspended "due to problems" with the authorship":

"Exhibition withdrawn on 8 May 2024 due to problems with authorship. We apologise for any inconvenience.".

Madrid City Council exhibits plagiarised cartoons 3

Update 11/05 - 12:30

I receive an e-mail from Miguel Ángel Sánchez in which he apologises for what he considers a blunder and insists that he did not act in bad faith. He asks me for Pedro Molina's address. It is clear from his e-mail that he is sending apology notes to those authors he manages to contact and for whom he confesses to have admiration.

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